Offering Interchange plus and flat rate pricing to simplify your payment experience.
Solutions for merchants.

B2B Sales
B2B sales with level
2/3 interchange

Retail & Small Business
Accept credit cards
at your retail &
POS locations

Low credit card
processing rates for
restaurants & quick serves
How does credit card processing work?
Let us explain the mysterious world of payment processing and shine a light on a notoriously dark industry. No secrets here, the code word is transparency on all fronts.
1. Authorization

In the authorization stage, the merchant must obtain approval for payment from the issuing bank.
2. Authentication

The issuing bank verifies the validity of the customer’s credit card using fraud protection tools AVS and card security codes such as CVV and CID.
3. Clearing & Settlement

The transaction is posted to both the cardholder’s monthly credit card billing statement and the merchant’s statement.

No surprises, 100%
It’s the fairest pricing model in the industry, with flat and fixed margins, so you always get a fair deal. No long-term contracts, and no hidden fees.

Flat rate pricing.
Simple and great for
new businesses.
This is an ideal solution if you’re just starting out and aren’t sure about the number of sales you’ll generate.
You'll love our
honest pricing.
- No contracts
- No monthly fees
- No hidden charges
Our pricing is 100% transparent and flat out saves you money. You get the lowest interchange rate for each transaction with no monthly fees or hidden charges.
- No contracts
- No monthly fees
- No hidden charges

Ready to get started? Sign up now!
Our experienced team of payment professionals are ready to help!
Sign up for a FREE no obligation consultation today.